Or so at least *I* think so! 🙂
Here’s me destuffing a toy! Aren’t I talented? My Mom tries to stop me from doing this and takes the toy away from me before I get to the ‘destuffing’ mode but sometimes when she’s not paying attention and distracted by my little sister, I secretly and quietly gnaw a hole and then whamo! I’m in! And all stuffing MUST come out! 🙂 Mission accomplished….dead cow toy! Another one bites the dust!

Then, here’s my other talent (which my Mom loves btw and tries to make me “sing” all the time)…when someone squeaks a toy it really makes me wanna sing back…do you like my voice? Do you think I could fit in with a wolf or coyote pack? Huh? Do ya? Heck, I can kill toys AND sing…maybe I would fit in! He-he 🙂
Well, that’s all the excitement from this neck of the woods! ‘Til next time, keep on hoppin’!