As I was looking at this photo today of you, it just made me think of how I can still feel you…
How I used to hold one of your front paws when you’d sleep..
How you had long toes..
How you had the softest fur on your head..
How you had a thick bushy tail with the end of it broken from birth..
How your fur at your right flank started to get rough feeling as you got sicker with kidney failure..
How loose your skin was at your neck and how thick your fur was on your neck..
How your black spots would get hot in the sun but your white fur wouldn’t…
I can still feel every inch of you, Maggie…I knew every inch of you after all the years we were together..
You allowed me to work on you from massage, to t-touch, to giving IV fluids…never arguing over anything I did to you…to help you…
I’d do it all over again for you Maggie….I miss you so…

This is so beautiful. I can feel every emotion as you write it to Maggie.
Thinking of you.
Michelle & Angel Sassy
Yes, your love and connection to Maggie comes shining through…just like it has with every single post you make about her. A bond like you two have will never diminish, never fade.
The little nuance about her tail…didn’t know that….and hadn’t thought about her black spots getting warm in the sun while the white places stayed cool. I always love the little glimpses into life with Maggie you share with us.
No, Maggie never “argued” over anything you did FOR her…because she k ew it was all done from a caring and loving heart. And oh my, she is so loved and so cared about!!!
I’m glad you noted how you held her paws as she slept. It reminded me how I used to always “hold hands” (okay..paws) with Happy Hannah too. And now Merry Myrtle and I hold hands. Thanks for bringing forth that memory. I can “feel” her paw in mine……nice.
Thank you for llsting these beautiful remembrances. I look forward to many more…always with oictures and videos! This is such a good picture…showing strength and she just seems so content…just enjoying being with you and nature.
Sending love and a whole lot of hugs. GOOD GIRL MAGGIE!! GOOD GIRL!!
Sally and My Eternal Light Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle too!
Love this Tracy.
There is no way that we can ever forget the feelings of being so close to our best friends in the world. I remember that well with Jerry’s special soft fur and gentle way of just being.
They give so much, and ask for so little. It’s these moments that add up to create the love of a lifetime. Maggie isn’t going anywhere, she’s still here and thriving in our hearts, always.