Just thought I’d check in on my blog and have my Mama post some of my recent excursions. Me, Mama, Papa and my bratty little sister, Haley, went up to one of our favorite places…Deboullie Mtn area…it is State of Maine owned reserve land, lots of hiking trails and many ponds in the area to kayak in(me, however, I don’t kayak!) or fish, if you like to do that like my Papa does.
Here’s a few photo’s that Mama took of me enjoying the day:
My white eyelashes and eyebrows....with age brings dignity?
Me & Papa
Denny Pond campsite
Gawd! Mama made me post this one below of my bratty little sister! This is MY blog you know!!!
Haley the bratty little sister!
And here’s a couple video’s – I WANT MY HOT DOG NOW!!! Please?
Peaceful listening to the birds chirp….floating along Denny Pond:
Well, hope you all enjoy my recent adventure! I know I did!
OK, so short story: I ROCKED at the recent Wag It Games trial on June 10, 2011!
My Mom entered me in all six classes: Shadow Skills, Independent Skills and No Need for Speed Skills. And I got perfect scores of 100 in EVERY class!!! Those qualifying “legs” finished up three new titles for me:
WAG 1 S = Novice Shadow Skills. Teams perform a numbered course with the dog shadowing the handler’s movement. Dogs heel on both sides and perform a variety of twists, turns and other maneuvers.
WAG 1 I = Novice Independent Skills. The dog performs a variety of exercises with the dog moving towards, away from or at a distance from the handler.
WAG 1 O = Novice Obstacle Skills. The dog will perform a course of obstacle based exercises ranging from climbing steps and crossing bridges to passing through hoops and riding scooters. There is no need for speed but team work, confidence and skill make up this game.
Sumac Johnson, the creator of Wag It Games, even put little “heart pawprint” charms on MY ribbons! ‘Cause I’m special, you know! I’m in the “Heart Dog Program” so, I get special treatment! And of course, I think I deserve all this special treatment! 🙂 The Heart Dog’s get special circumstances based on their disabilities. For instance, I can’t do steps or push a scooter being 3 legged now. I am judged only against myself because of this. But even if I did have 4 legs, I’d beat my little sister’s butt BIG TIME! He-he!!
Laying in the tunnel taking a break for a photo shoot! See my ribbons! 🙂
If anyone is interested in the Games, the website is: www.wagitgames.com ! Interested in hosting an event? Contact Sumac! She now has training centers out of state starting classes! She even got an inquiry from a trainer in the UK! Great fun! Highly recommended! And the BEST part, of course, is that disabled dogs can play too!!