Me and Mom were invited up to a friend’s house for a kennel club play day yesterday! It was fun to hang out with some old friends and their dogs. My Mom was wicked proud of me … I still “got it”! I can do agility with the best of ’em 🙂 Well, maybe the jumps are quite low but that keeps me safe, says Mom. I wasn’t even tired after my play day doing agility. All that PT work and Rally/Wag It Games work paid off! Enjoy my photo’s from my day!

Hope you enjoyed my photo’s….it was nice to do what I used to do for my hobby prior to being amputated…I did agility for 8 years, so it was a big part of my life. It was nice to show that yes, indeed, this Tripawd still DOES have it!
Until next time, keep on hoppin’!
maggie, you ROCK! thanks for sharing the great pictures…we’re so exhausted from looking at them, maybe a nap is in order!! you definitely ‘still have it’ girl!
charon & gayle
Maggie, in the words of my mom, “you’re a beast!” Apparently that’s what the kids say at her school when they do something pAWESOME. You still have it, I think your mom should take you for some ice cream 🙂
I forgot how much I enjoyed reading up on Maggie’s training. I’m so glad she is still thriving and doing well. The photos are great!
Maggie and mom….awesome! 🙂
Maggie, you are a heckuva super star.
Once you’ve got it, you’ve ALWAYS got it.
Rock on, girl.
Maggie, you still got it girl!!!!! So glad to see you having fun playing some agility!!!!!
DID agility? You still ROCK agility, Maggie!
Those pics are fabulous, you most certainly put a smile on our face. It’s wonderful to see you looking like the superstar you most definitely are. xoxo