Phew! What a busy time we had from 8-26-11 to 9-1-11. First, my Mom left me and little sister, Haley, at my Auntie Gina’s house for a day!!! Can you believe it! She left us as she had to go to a wedding and we weren’t invited!!! Imagine that!!! Argh! I was NOT too happy about being left behind! The next day, though, we went with Mom, Auntie Gina and her two Dock Dog Jack Russell’s, Cue and Dory(Mom and daughter team). The event was at L.L. Bean in Freeport, Maine. Mom took me out for a walk among all the people and dogs galore at the event and I just lay there on my mat enjoying the scenery and the wonderful weather cheering on Cue and Dory diving. So, then Mom decided she’d go get Haley and my crate and put us both in it together. Huh? What was she thinking? Well, we really surprised her at how GOOD we can really be! Here’s proof! Look at all the people and dogs milling around…I never said a “peep” to any human or dog 🙂 Neither did bratty little sister!

This is Auntie Gina and Dory doing a practice jump:
Mom was sooooo impressed with me and little sister on how well behaved we were at LLBean! She just had to video tape us! She thought for SURE we were imposters! Nah, we can be good sometimes!
Then Sunday, we were supposed to leave for New Hampshire for the beginning of Wag It Games Camp where Mom would be helping instruct campers/dogs but this little thing called Hurricane Irene sorta slowed our progress to leaving 🙁 By Sunday afternoon, the power went out at Auntie Gina’s, several trees down in her yard missing her deck and house but landing on the dog fence. It was quite scary! By Monday a.m. it was done and we were headed to NH for Wag It Camp!

Haley & I hung around a lot not doing much while Mom taught the ‘games’ to dogs/handlers. But when she wasn’t teaching she had us participating in the workshops she wasn’t teaching. I got to do a “Sniff It” workshop! That was pretty darn cool! Searching for food! Heck, who can beat that?! FOOD! The Instructor said I was the “over achiever” as I was trying to retrieve the items that the food was hidden in. Guess my retrieve training was coming out and I was generalizing the behavior well! Mom was actually quite impressed! 🙂 But she said “use your nose Maggie”…guess I’m not supposed to retrieve, it’s sniff it!
Then after campers were done teaching their dogs in other games that we already knew, Mom practiced with me and Haley. We both ROCKED! It was a great time playing with Mom doing No Need For Speed obstacles and Shadow Skills courses with her. Someone commented that I was the “famous Tripawd” 🙂 Guess someone has been talking me up doing Wag It Games.
We took fabulous walks around the 300 acre camp…fields galore and Lake Ossippee to swim in! Well, I don’t really swim but here you can me do my version of it…I’ve never been a swimmer 🙂

Me and my bratty sister swimming! She’s such a L-U-N-A-T-I-C barking and trying to herd me!
And here’s me swimming alone….ahhh, peaceful…just me and Mom 🙂
So, our vacation has come to an end. We were pretty sad leaving camp…it was sooo much fun!
‘Til next time, keep on hoppin’!
fun, fun, fun!! thankfor sharing the pictures and videos – we’re tired just seeing all you did on vacation.. nap time.
charon & gayle
WOO HOO!!!! what a week, huh Mags? It’s always fun to vacation but there is no place like home…..glad you could watch us Jumpin’ Jacks Dock Dive! 😀 xoxoxo Cue and Dory and Auntie Gina
Looks like a PAWESOME time, Maggie! I hope you are taking naps to recover 😉