Hey there fellow Tripawders!
Phew! I’m tired from our exciting weekend competing in Rally obedience in Saco, Maine this wknd! We stayed at the coolest KOA campground….it had LOTS and LOTS of chipmunks for me to stalk! LOVED that part immensely…here’s a few photo’s of our cute kabin and of course, ME! How do you like my glowing eyes? 🙂

So on to the Rally-O trial! It was held at Finish Forward Dogs in Saco, Maine. I was entered for the first time in Level 3(the highest level) and also in Veterans class that I used to like much better before they went and changed the rules in June and took out my favorite part – the JUMP! 🙁 So sad to see that taken out of Veterans class and they also took out some of the “Down” signs and added more stupid “sit” signs. Gawd, don’t they know us rear legger Tripawds HATE sitting? Boo-hoo. Well, at least there are jumps in Level 3…and TWO of them! Yeehaw! But Level 3 courses are TOUGH and longer…but I got my Level 3 title by earning 3 qualifying scores of 206, 204 and 205 – a perfect score is a 210. Here I am performing my very first Level 3 run of the weekend. I was a little scared of the shadows on the floor in this run:
And my 2nd Level 3 run was much better:
My Mom had to make me pose for a picture with the judge with my two new titles of the weeknd, earning my RL3 title(Rally level 3) and my RLVX2(Rally level Veterans Excellent 2).

I did have some fear issues of the shadows along the edges of the walls over the course of the weekend. I have been having some fear issues at home too. My Mom wasn’t too sure just what is going on but pretty sure it is my eye sight. She wishes that I could talk so I could tell her for sure…but I looked at the floor quite a bit in some of our runs and I was seeing shadows…I’m not sure if I was going to fall in a black hole or what. My Mom says her eye sight is changing too and maybe we both need glasses now! It’s not fun getting old, is it? 🙁 But I was VERY brave for my Mom…she says that I have “heart”…whatever that means?
And the best for last….competitors were to nominate an individual for the “Inspiration Award” based on a performance that they were ‘moved’ by. The fact that yes, I CAN back up on 3 legs really “moved” alot of fellow competitors and I was awarded the Inspiration Award for the weekend! And there was another disabled dog there in a cart…that was a Corgi that did fabulous all weekend. So, here’s me and my BIG ribbon for the Inspiration Award!

So, there you have it! Our exciting weekend, with some up’s and down’s. Mom won’t be bringing me to Finish Forward again due to the shadows – she doesn’t want me fearful in the ring again. My Mom tries so hard to protect me…she doesn’t like seeing me scared of things…but this 3 leggedness on top of my eyesight maybe changing can get challenging at times. Thankfully, she brought my rugs down for the kabin floor at KOA cause I did NOT like that kabin floor…too slippery for me!
Well – guess that’s all I have to report! Another great weekend out and about with my Mom and oh yeah, that crazy little sister I have, Haley…
‘Til next time, keep on hoppin!