I just had to share a few photo’s of Maggie from a walk a couple evenings ago. The weather here in Northern Maine has been unbelieveably warm for this time of year! I took Maggie up in the field that is behind our house. We used to walk there all the time especially before amputation but if the owner of the field doesn’t mow it, it’s tough going for her as it was a bit that night…so we didn’t spend much time up there but she very much enjoyed herself, as did I 🙂

I had taken a video too but I can’t seem to get it loaded onto Youtube or Vimeo…Wish WordPress would take Facebook links as I did get it loaded to Facebook…
Hope everyone’s fall is as nice as it’s been here lately…but it’s getting cooler now….suspect it won’t be long and the leaves will be gone off the trees….
Tracy & Maggie