It’s been a slow, boring winter but today it’s a tad exciting! It’s my 12th birthday! Not that getting old is much to be excited about BUT I DID get some cheese, bison jerky and some green tripe treats so far today! My Mom has apologized to me that she forgot to buy me a birthday gift this past weekend when she and my little pain in the butt, sister Haley, went downstate last weekend. And imagine, she left me home! Oh well…I got in lots of snoozing while they were gone but I told her she MUST make up for the fact she forgot to buy me a toy!

I am thankful to be relatively healthy and still hoppin’ around though.. But since this past fall, I have slowed down a tad more(maybe I’m in hibernation mode), my eyesight has been giving me ‘fits’ now and then with shadows, Mom helps me up the ramp these days as I occasionally fall going up it and it scares the ‘bejesus’ out of me and my hearing ain’t what it used to be…even with these big ears, you’d think that would be NO issue! 🙂 I am also sleeping “like a rock” and scared Mom the other day when I didn’t wake up when she was putting in my mouth my cancer remedy at night…she had to shake me a little bit…no worries, Mom…you just tired me out with my PT workout that night! That’s my excuse anyway and I’m stickin’ to it.
Mom showin’ you my gray hairs! Pfftt Mom, you have more than me!
It’s been a cold and pretty snowless winter so far but we have some headed our way. With any luck at all, our winter trails will get better and I can get out and do some “deer hunting” on them soon! I DO love the cooler temps – puts a spring in my step 🙂
Well, not much else happenin’ on my birthday yet…maybe I’ll get a surprise later this week when Mom goes to town shoppin’! She’d better or I’ll sass her some more! I’m REAL good at that 🙂
‘Til next time, keep on hoppin’!