Hey all!
It’s a snowy winter wonderland up here in Northern Maine. My Mom and Papa have been hard at work packing our walking trails for us to walk on. This weekend I did 3 walks! Each one got longer and I’m here to say I’m not too tired either! Yay me! 🙂 Saturday, I walked with Cousin Dory and my Auntie Gina. At one point, Dory(a JRT) took off ahead of me and I was in hot pursuit chasing that little white dog! Talk about fun! My Mom stopped me though as Dory can go on and on and she didn’t want me to get too sore. She forgot the camera that day to take any photo’s of me and my cousin..
But here’s a video of me yesterday. My Mom apologized to me later for laughing at me while I was stuck in the snow but she didn’t want to help me…she says I’m strong, I can pull myself out of the hole! Gawd…how embarassing though! So I took my frustrations out after that on those branches! 🙂

And one more video – such a fun game of running back and forth between my Papa and Mom! Listen to the chickadee’s…my Mom loves the chickadee’s…
Well, that’s all from this neck of the woods! ‘Til next time, keep on hoppin!
maggie, we love the videos (especially hearing your chickadees!!) we only seem to have rain, rain, rain here…wish we had some of your beautiful snow!! you look so strong and happy on your trails!
charon & spirit gayle