Just another winter blog update…nothing new really…just me being silly! My Mom loves to see me being silly 🙂
It’s been a pretty good winter….lots of walking lately…I have been doing pretty well with handling daily walks…if I get a little tired after a longer walk, Mom just shortens up my walks the next day or so…so at least I still get a walk in, just shorter..
We are working on some training stuff for an upcoming Wag It Games trial at the end of the month though! One game is called “Sniff It”…and man, am I rocking that training right now! Great fun using my nose to find the food scented containers! And what dog wouldn’t love this! 🙂
So, next update may be a little more exciting of me doing Wag It Games..
It’s STILL winter in Northern Maine…will it ever end?! Here’s a few photo’s of who else but starring ME! Of course! 🙂
Our Winter Walking Trails…pretty huh?
Hey Mom!
I can run fast! And with a smile on my face!
And here’s just a little video of me…doin’ nothing too important…tried to find a stick but they were too far off the trail to get a hold of. My Mom made another video of me but it just won’t load(stoopid youtube!) and geez, I even did my “Spins and twists” for you, Karen! Boo-hoo…I was showing off for ya’…well, maybe Mom will get it loaded eventually!
And one more photo – my Papa was making fun of me tonight…
Papa, stop picking on me…it’s YOU that needs glasses not me!