Camping Trip!

Guess what! Guess what! We went camping!!! Woo-hoooooooooooo! Here’s some highlight’s to our short 2 day camping trip to Denny Pond:

My Mom decided it was time to give me a whirl in the kayak as a Tripawd now. She brought the trusty ole’ bath matt to put on the bottom of the kayak floor so I wouldn’t slip getting in and out. When she asked me if I “wanted to go for a ride”, I started jumping in before she was even ready to help me! Heck yeah, Mom! Let’s go!!!!!! Well, needless to say, due to my excitement, my Mom shed a few tears going around the pond with me. She was “touched” by me once again! How come I make her cry? I know they are ‘happy tears’ now but geez, Mom…don’t be such a gush! 🙂

Maggie’s first kayak ride as a Tripawd

Here’s a short clip of me being a ‘good girl’ and just quietly watching the Momma duck and her babies float by in front of us:

Sunday morning, I went squirrel hunting as they were chattering up a storm next to our tent site! So I stealthily and quietly went stalking for the little buggers and I found ’em…that is until Mom said I had to come back to the tent site 🙁

But Oh Mom, I LOVE stalking squirrels!
Squirrel! I found ’em!!!

Then here’s me Sunday morning after I had breakfast…back to the tent on the air mattress for a nice little morning nap….ahhhh, I LOVE camping!

Morning snooze in tent after breakfast…zzzzzzzz…….

I don’t know why Mom insists I add this photo to MY blog but here it is…me and my annoying little sister, Haley, on the walking trail to Gaillee Pond on Sunday morning. It was early but wicked humid as our tongues can tell you! Mom said I was a TROOPER on the fairly hilly trail…actually, I think my Papa was having a harder time keeping up with my Tripawd gait ’cause he’s nice enough to keep up with me vs making me slow down 🙂 I wasn’t all that tired either – that makes my Mom happy…

Hot Dawgs!

So, there’s my recent adventure…until next time, keep on hoppin’!



Agility Play Day!

Me and Mom were invited up to a friend’s house for a kennel club play day yesterday!  It was fun to hang out with some old friends and their dogs.  My Mom was wicked proud of me … I still “got it”!  I can do agility with the best of ’em 🙂  Well, maybe the jumps are quite low but that keeps me safe, says Mom.  I wasn’t even tired after my play day doing agility.  All that PT work and Rally/Wag It Games work paid off!  Enjoy my photo’s from my day!

Look at my determination on my face and look at Mom's t-shirt!


Awe, come on' Mom...8 inch high jumps?!?! That's nothin! Put up that bar higher!


Treat NOW please!?


whoosh! coming out of the tunnel!


go Maggie go!


That's my pretty girl Maggie!

 Hope you enjoyed my photo’s….it was nice to do what I used to do for my hobby prior to being amputated…I did agility for 8 years, so it was a big part of my life.  It was nice to show that yes, indeed, this Tripawd still DOES have it!

Until next time, keep on hoppin’!



A great day at Denny Pond….

Hey all my Tripawd friends,

Just thought I’d check in on my blog and have my Mama post some of my recent excursions.  Me, Mama, Papa and my bratty little sister, Haley, went up to one of our favorite places…Deboullie Mtn area…it is State of Maine owned reserve land, lots of hiking trails and many ponds in the area to kayak in(me, however, I don’t kayak!) or fish, if you like to do that like my Papa does.

Here’s a few photo’s that Mama took of me enjoying the day:

My white eyelashes and eyebrows....with age brings dignity?

Me & Papa


Denny Pond campsite

 Gawd!  Mama made me post this one below of my bratty little sister!  This is MY blog you know!!! 

Haley the bratty little sister!

 And here’s a couple video’s – I WANT MY HOT DOG NOW!!!  Please?

Peaceful listening to the birds chirp….floating along Denny Pond:

Well, hope you all enjoy my recent adventure!  I know I did!

Keep on hoppin’!


Wag It Games Trial!

OK, so short story:  I ROCKED at the recent Wag It Games trial on June 10, 2011!

My Mom entered me in all six classes:  Shadow Skills, Independent Skills and No Need for Speed Skills.  And I got perfect scores of 100 in EVERY class!!!  Those qualifying “legs” finished up three new titles for me:

WAG 1 S = Novice Shadow Skills.  Teams perform a numbered course with the dog shadowing the handler’s movement.  Dogs heel on both sides and perform a variety of twists, turns and other maneuvers.

WAG 1 I = Novice Independent Skills.  The dog performs a variety of exercises with the dog moving towards, away from or at a distance from the handler.

WAG 1 O = Novice Obstacle Skills.  The dog will perform a course of obstacle based exercises ranging from climbing steps and crossing bridges to passing through hoops and riding scooters.  There is no need for speed but team work, confidence and skill make up this game.

Sumac Johnson, the creator of Wag It Games, even put little “heart pawprint” charms on MY ribbons!  ‘Cause I’m special, you know!  I’m in the “Heart Dog Program” so, I get special treatment!  And of course, I think I deserve all this special treatment! 🙂  The Heart Dog’s get special circumstances based on their disabilities.  For instance, I can’t do steps or push a scooter being 3 legged now.  I am judged only against myself because of this.  But even if I did have 4 legs, I’d beat my little sister’s butt BIG TIME! He-he!!
Laying in the tunnel taking a break for a photo shoot! See my ribbons! 🙂

If anyone is interested in the Games, the website is: !  Interested in hosting an event?  Contact Sumac!  She now has training centers out of state starting classes!  She even got an inquiry from a trainer in the UK!  Great fun!  Highly recommended!  And the BEST part, of course, is that disabled dogs can play too!!

That’s all from this neck of the woods!

Keep on hoppin’!


My other wonderful talents….

Or so at least *I* think so! 🙂

Here’s me destuffing a toy! Aren’t I talented? My Mom tries to stop me from doing this and takes the toy away from me before I get to the ‘destuffing’ mode but sometimes when she’s not paying attention and distracted by my little sister, I secretly and quietly gnaw a hole and then whamo! I’m in! And all stuffing MUST come out! 🙂 Mission accomplished….dead cow toy! Another one bites the dust!

Destuffing CowToy is accomplished!
Ok, I’m tired now…time for a nap…Mom, can you pick up the mess please?

Then, here’s my other talent (which my Mom loves btw and tries to make me “sing” all the time)…when someone squeaks a toy it really makes me wanna sing back…do you like my voice? Do you think I could fit in with a wolf or coyote pack? Huh? Do ya? Heck, I can kill toys AND sing…maybe I would fit in! He-he 🙂

Well, that’s all the excitement from this neck of the woods! ‘Til next time, keep on hoppin’!


‘Nother great Rally-O weekend!

Maggie, her little sister, Haley and I went to Wag It Training Center for yet another fun and eventful weekend of Rally obedience!  I have to say that the best parts of doing Rally is the great friends we have met and also of the great times I have with my dogs both on and off the Rally course!  We just love road trips and ‘hoteling it’ 🙂  Just me and my girls…the hotel where we stay, has a HUGE front field and you can walk all the way to the’s the girls just soaking up some nice, warm sun rays with a little ocean breeze coming our way…

Belfast, Maine by the ocean...

Maggie was entered in both Veterans class and I decided to bump her up to Level 2.  She has been working on her Excellent title in Level 1 but I wanted to see if she could handle the longer, tougher Level 2 courses.  And guess what, she did very well!  With three consecutive qualifying runs with scores of 209, 207 and 204(best possible score 210) Maggie earned her RL2!!!  And to top that off, she also was working on her Excellent title in Veterans class where she needed 3 more qualifiers to finish that…and she did it with scores of 210, 204 and 208!  And even got another Veterans qualifier after that scoring a 205!  I never thought I’d move her up out of Level 1, thinking the longer courses may be too much for her but she managed quite well!  So, the next trial, Maggie just may try her “paw” at Level 3 and show the world that yes, indeed, Tripawds ROCK on! 🙂  (shhhh, don’t tell the quadpawds though that sitting IS tough on me).

Oh and one more VERY important award that Maggie earned….she got high scoring Level 2A dog on Saturday and was awarded the “Logan Legacy Award”!  This award is in honor of a dear Golden friend that recently died of melanoma.  Logan was only 6 years old and was the Service Dog to a friend of mine that started with Rally with Logan at the same place and time that I started Maggie.  It was very fitting and a tear jerker for Maggie to earn this award from another dog who was stricken with cancer and taken from this world far, far too soon.  The bag to the left of Maggie in this photo has a picture of Logan on it and it was filled with goodies for Mags.  She much enjoyed them Logan!  We know you were looking down on us this weekend…we missed you and thought of you often…

Maggie & her "loot"

Until next time….keep on hoppin’!

Tracy & Maggie

Rally Obedience Trial Photo

I just had to insert this photo to Maggie’s blog! This is one of the photo’s that was taken by John Woolley at the Finish Forward Rally Obedience Trial, February 27, 2011. Look at how strong Maggie looks balancing on two legs! Look how happy she looks! Once again, Maggie is happy, I am happy! 🙂

Oh and bonus, she won High In Trial for All Americans! A.k.a. mixed breeds 🙂

My Amazing Tripawd Maggie

We have some wonderful snowsled packed trails on my husband’s family land, across the road from our house.  Down and back, through the loops that we have total about 2 miles.  Some are a bit hilly, which has been tough for Maggie but also good rehab for her building her up.  Last year, being Maggie’s first winter as a Tripawd, Norm and I doubted very much Maggie would ever be able to get to the end of the trail now being a Tripawd(the end is where Norm taps trees for sap).  We thought we may have to take her up on sled somehow.   

I’m so happy to announce that Maggie has done this trek not only once but many times this month so far!  And last night, I took her on the entire loop…which is even more hilly over on the trail we call the Deer Loop.  She’s doing it!  She’s doing approximately 2 miles!!!!!!  I remember when a 1/2 mile wiped her out completely.

The other thing that is really helping her accomplish this with ease and not being sore/tired after, is she is loose.  So she can choose her pace…which is much faster than ours when she is on her flexi.  Walking slower is so taxing on her.  If she can get into her “Tripawd gait” it’s easier for her.  Even though she never goes much farther ahead than 20-30 feet…she stops and waits for me or sniffs around or does her usual grabbing whatever branch/small tree she can get a hold of to mutilate. 🙂  Being loose is so much easier on her body. 

The other part that amazes me is that she is still building herself up, despite the fact that she is now 11 years old.  Her remaining rear leg muscle is huge now! 🙂

So….here’s to saying “NEVER SAY NEVER!”  I don’t think those words are in Maggie’s vocabulary!!!   It may have taken a long while to get her built up but WOW she’s still amazing us with her feats, even after all this time after her amputation in October 2009.  

Needless to say, I’m am so proud and amazed at Maggie!  She is a true Tripawd Warrior!  You ROCK Maggie!

Maggie the Stick Destroyer!

My Rally Obedience Day in Saco, Maine

Me & my mom competed in APDT Rally Obedience again!  I haven’t been in the “ring” since November and if I do say so myself, I didn’t do too shabby!

Here’s me and Mom doing a  Level 1 course working on finishing up my “Excellent” title in that level:

The BEST class for me, though, is Veterans class – where the courses are about half the length and far less sitting as too many sits are just plain ole’ hard to do for me!

I got a score of a 196 out of a possible 210 in the Level 1 course – lost 8 points on one spot cause my MOM didn’t read the sign right and forgot to do part of it!  NOT MY FAULT MOM! 😉

For my two Veterans courses, I earned perfect scores of 210’s!!  I get a modification for the lower jump height and for my sitting crooked at times due to being a Tripawd.  How cool is that, huh?!  A VERY nice venue to play in with a disabled dog – well, Mom tells me I’m disabled but me, I don’t think I am.  Look at me in these video’s!  I think I’m pretty “agile” 🙂

Well, that’s all the excitement from here in a VERY snowy Maine!  Next up is Wag It Games in three weeks!  Can’t wait for that!  That’s the best program for disabled dogs!  I am the “poster child” for the Heart Dog Program!  Stay tuned for more MaggieMoo adventures!

Keep on hoppin’!


Still Winter here in Maine….

Hey all my Tripawd friends!

Just thought I’d check in and post on my blog – even though nothin’ real exciting goin’ on here in Maine, I think finding what’s below in this video pretty darn fun & exciting!

So, don’t all you other Tripawds think that’s exciting!  I do, I do!  YUM!

Then here’s me, well, just being ME!

Having only 3 legs doesn’t stop me from wading in the snow!

Happy, happy Tripawd 🙂  That I am!

Well, that’s all from this snowy neck of the woods! 

Keep on hoppin’ friends!
