My life seems to be getting pretty busy…I have LOTS to talk about on my blog 🙂 Here’s my adventures from this weekend!
Mom took me and little sister, Haley, to town for groceries…but first she took us each for a short walk at the Park. This is the second time I’ve been to the park. It was the very first place I walked after my surgery. The park was quite busy…kids and adults…no one really seemed to notice me? Aren’t I pretty? How come no one notices that I only have 3 legs? Or are they ignoring me on purpose? Are they afraid of me? Or, or, or? But do you know who noticed that I had three legs? A mentally disabled person noticed…as she walked by me, she said to the other person she was with “that dog only has three legs”! I guess I just found it interesting I didn’t turn heads for having three legs? Maybe that’s a good thing, though, huh? We don’t get to “town” all that often…where we walk it’s deep in the North Maine Woods…the only thing that sees us are deer or moose or a partridge! Hahahaha! They don’t seem to notice I only have three legs either though! Guess they’re too busy trying to run away from my huge bark at them!
Yesterday, Mom and I went up to my great bud’s house! It was a surprise visit as we were gonna go to the golf course but there were people playing golf on MY course! Imagine that. Guess it’s no longer early Spring when no one is there…another year gone by for golf course walking… So, we stopped by my friend, Woodie’s house. I really like Woodie… Here’s a couple pictures of me on their trails…

Here’s a video of Woodie and I playing….he’s about the only dog I love to play with! Typically he never runs…he likes to wrestle. Me, I like to play chase…but much to my surprise…he takes off running! Holy CowDog…that sets me off chasing him!!! Wooohoooo Woodie! But then I wanted to be the “chasee”….I prefer to be the chasee…that’s how me and little sister play…but then Woodie lost interest…oh well, it was fun while it lasted! 🙂
And today didn’t start out too great. Mom decided she was gonna give me a “B-A-T-H”…. Oh crap. I REALLY hate those now that I only have 3 legs. You see, the Tech that Mom helped give me a bath after my amputation scared me really bad…I was so scared getting a bath in that big metal tub and I was scrambling and slipping…while Mom tried to hold me. I know, I know, I didn’t help any but SHIT, I was scared…I just had a dang leg taken off! So, this is the 2nd time Mom has given me a bath since amputation. Before this, I’d hop right in the tub on the cue “time for a bath”…but nope, I ain’t doin’ that no more…too darn scarey…even with a rubber mat Mom puts down. So Papa had to lift me in the tub today…I was so scared shivering and whining…I know…can you believe ME…being scared?!?!? Three legged has caused these issues that I have scared of slipping. After Papa got me in the tub, Mom got in with me this time and I felt soooo much more at ease with her in there with me. I didn’t slip at all cause I didn’t struggle with her in there with me. She fed me some treats to help me feel better during it and it helped a little. Mom says she’s gonna make it into a clicker training session to get me desensitized to that stupid bath tub. But I’m really nice and white and clean now! And smell good too 🙂 Phew…glad that got over pretty quickly!
So on to better things to do than a bath today! We went for a long ride in the woods…sight seeing…way up in the woods where we’ve never gone before. We had a hot dog roast with Papa’s parents and sister. I, of course, got pieces of hot dogs! We went for a short walk too but just the ride up there is enough exercise for me balancing standing up lookin’ out the window to be sure I don’t miss any wildlife! But I’m gettin’ a little smarter and laying down once in a while to take a break from all the sight seeing…(well, Mom has to convince me at times to lay down)..

So, not too shabby of a weekend…I was a little tired from the ride but I haven’t needed any pain medication forever!!! Now that the snow has left, it surely has helped me get stronger and get out and get more outside time rather than being stuck in the house all winter long.Â
Well, that’s all from this neck of the woods….keep on, keepin’ on!