Just a monthly update from me…nothin’ much goin’ on but here’s a few things to blog about
Mom got in the mail a couple of APDT Rally-O awards from 2011 rankings – check
these out! My Mom is pretty darn proud of me getting these! It’s not easy doing Rally
on three legs – especially with all the S-I-T-S in it…gawd, I really despise sitting now!
Mom said I’m only going to play in Veterans Level now if I do any more Rally-O this
year…shorter courses and less sitting. I’ve been showing my age a bit since last fall and
my stamina level just ain’t what it used to be – so I am going to be competing less this
year and just taking in as much sunshine, lounging around and a little fun here and there when I’m up to it 🙂
In an effort to keep me as physically strong as possible, Mom bought me more PT tools –
this time, these funny little round objects she thinks I should stand on and hold still on
them. I showed her it isn’t TOO hard – she has to still place my feet on them – they are
small for me to step onto! But here I am after my third try at them! Tripawd Wyatt
impressed my Mom so much with his work on them, she thought I deserved some of
them too to add to my already full closet of PT equipment!

I competed in Wag It Games again last month…that is such a HOOT! We did our first
Sniff It competition – where we search for food scent in a container that is either hidden
in a pop up tent(many on course) or in a line of many containers that don’t have food
in them. I have a VERY good sniffer, I’m told by my Mom! I qualified in all four classes
of it! Then I also competed in No Need for Speed and Shadow Skills classes. I am very
close to finishing my Open titles in those classes…another trial and I should have those
finished up! I do love Wag It Games…so nice to have my very special own distinction
as a “Heart Dog” – meaning, I don’t have to do those stinkin’ S-I-T-S if I don’t wanna!
Because I’m a 3 legger, I am judged only against myself – not with other dogs. I can
still earn titles in the program! So cool 🙂
This photo isn’t a new one but it is of me doing Wag It Games No Need for Speed class –
one of the obstacles called the “270”…passing thru all 4 hoops making a 270 degree pattern.

Well, guess that is all from this neck of the woods!
‘Til next time, keep on hoppin’!