It’s summer time finally here in Northern Maine. Mom took me for a nice little jaunt around what she calls “Maggie’s Trail” just down the road from where we live. We rarely ever see anyone there so I think they made it for ME! All for me! Hence, the name of the trail 🙂 Getting around purty good…my sight and hearing are going a tad but, hey, what do you expect for 12 1/2 years old! Mom just HAD to show you this video…I don’t know why but she said it proves my hearing is going…pffftt…will you tell her I was just ignoring her!
And Mom took this one to show how much I “work” as a Tripawd. It’s hard work to motor around on three legs sometimes…
And of course, Mom had to shoot some pictures of me!
TRIPAWD POWER! My little tag I got from you know who(hint: Rene!)Along “Maggie’s Trail” (well really it’s a public trail but I think it’s mine!)Mom, can we go for a walk now? Enuff pictures already!Ok, this photo shoot is making me tired! Time for a break!
Well, after all those photo’s FINALLY we started motoring down the trail…my walk was was hot and I got muddy getting into a mud hole, so Mom took me down to the lake to get cooled off and washed off!
Here’s “my” version of swimming…3 legs or 4…I haven’t changed MY style of swimming(aka wading!)
Last Friday was Maggie’s yearly wellness exam and testing. Maggie is now almost 12 1/2 years old. She has lots of lumps and bumps on her and one on her right shoulder has grown quite fast so I had my vet do a fine needle aspirate on it. The results on that are “friendly” epidermal inclusion cells. Yay!
Had a geriatric blood panel drawn on her. She had some elevated liver and pancreatic enzymes which my vet was a little concerned about but also didn’t indicate liver disease. I, of course, instantly think the cancer might be spreading as I have read that STS goes to the liver and lungs. She prescribed Denamarin for her (silymarin/milk thistle) and recheck blood in a month.
She also found that Maggie has a Grade 2/3 heart murmur. Maggie does cough a little bit now and then and this could be the cause of that. Again, I was instantly thinking lung mets when I would hear her cough. She’s been doing it now all winter. NOT a lot but…
I told her about Maggie’s lack of stamina these days and how a 15-20 minute walk really seems to tire(or sore?) her the next day. She stated she may have the start of arthritis coming. Based on Chloe’s recent update, being a rear leg tripawd too, I am probably sure that is what is going on with Maggie too. I didn’t x-ray her. She also stated that the heart murmur could be part of the cause of less stamina.
Her urinalysis, fecal, heart worm and Lyme tests were all negative. 🙂
So, I left there thinking I need to review all of this with Maggie’s homeopathic vet, Dr. Charlie Loops in NC. So I made an appointment for a phone consult.
Here’s his take (I emailed him Maggie’s test results):
Dr. Loops said Denamarin OK for her liver but in Maggie’s case he feels milk thistle would do just as well and a lot cheaper. And could use Milk thistle long term.
He said her numbers are really not a problem. He said the GGT liver number is even an unreliable measure in people. The ALT number not all that high. I told him the number of last year and year before as a comparison. The one number that is really high is Lipase, which is a pancreatic enzyme. He asked me if she is showing signs of pancreatitis, like vomiting. I said no.
He said if her cough progresses than yes, an issue, but if it isn’t (it is not) than all is OK in his mind. He also isn’t terribly concerned with her heart murmur. He said she is 12 1/2 and things get more constricted in the valves, etc. He did say it would be good to give her CoQ10 to support her heart and to give her 60 mg. per day.
I asked about the Hawthorn berry as I read that is good for the heart. He said it is ok, an herbal diuretc..doesn’t know if she needs it but it won’t hurt her.
I told him about her lack of stamina and not able to handle much for walks anymore(the day after she is mopey and seems maybe a tad sore based on her balance). He says it all sounds normal to him based on her age and her being 3 legged. He did ask me if I had her on a joint product. I said oh yes.. He figured I had but wanted to be sure.
So, he isn’t going to change her cancer homeopathic remedy protocol.
Put her on the Denamarin and recheck blood work in a couple months.
After Denamarin put her on milk thistle long term.
He sees nothing that points toward cancer progression 🙂
I feel better…I have an aging 3 legged dog that just needs less walking, more doting on and a couple new supplements.
Here’s a couple photo’s I took of Maggie….as you can see she’s getting grayer – like the rest of us, I guess!
Tripawds rule!!
Mom, this is MY blog - why is little rug rat sister in MY blog?
Well, that’s all from this neck of the woods…keep on hoppin’…even if just a little slower these days…
It’s STILL winter in Northern Maine…will it ever end?! Here’s a few photo’s of who else but starring ME! Of course! 🙂
Our Winter Walking Trails…pretty huh?
Hey Mom!
I can run fast! And with a smile on my face!
And here’s just a little video of me…doin’ nothing too important…tried to find a stick but they were too far off the trail to get a hold of. My Mom made another video of me but it just won’t load(stoopid youtube!) and geez, I even did my “Spins and twists” for you, Karen! Boo-hoo…I was showing off for ya’…well, maybe Mom will get it loaded eventually!
And one more photo – my Papa was making fun of me tonight…
Papa, stop picking on me…it’s YOU that needs glasses not me!
Haven’t checked in on my blog in a while – not much happenin’ lately…but one exciting thing yesterday – me and little sister, Haley, got to rip, tear and demolish christmas presents!! The bestest part is ripping the paper and boxes! OMG, I LOVE IT! But hey, the groundhogs we got for presents weren’t too bad either – Mom hasn’t let me destuff them yet though! I’ll do it, don’t worry, when she’s not watching me! LOL 🙂
Look on tree - Tripawd ornament! 🙂
Mr. Groundhog, your days are numbered!
Destruction!!! Me LUVS ripping apart paper and NOW to rip apart this groundhog!
OK, so I'm tired now......zzzzzzzzzzzzzz............
Hoping you all had a great Christmas!!
So, onward to the New Year 2012 – here’s to hoping for health, hoppiness and well being…that translates to lots of treats, short walks and nice, long car rides! 🙂
Phew! I’m tired from our exciting weekend competing in Rally obedience in Saco, Maine this wknd! We stayed at the coolest KOA campground….it had LOTS and LOTS of chipmunks for me to stalk! LOVED that part immensely…here’s a few photo’s of our cute kabin and of course, ME! How do you like my glowing eyes? 🙂
Nice comfy bed at KOA campground
Look can see my crazy little sister, Haley, in the screen door
So on to the Rally-O trial! It was held at Finish Forward Dogs in Saco, Maine. I was entered for the first time in Level 3(the highest level) and also in Veterans class that I used to like much better before they went and changed the rules in June and took out my favorite part – the JUMP! 🙁 So sad to see that taken out of Veterans class and they also took out some of the “Down” signs and added more stupid “sit” signs. Gawd, don’t they know us rear legger Tripawds HATE sitting? Boo-hoo. Well, at least there are jumps in Level 3…and TWO of them! Yeehaw! But Level 3 courses are TOUGH and longer…but I got my Level 3 title by earning 3 qualifying scores of 206, 204 and 205 – a perfect score is a 210. Here I am performing my very first Level 3 run of the weekend. I was a little scared of the shadows on the floor in this run:
And my 2nd Level 3 run was much better:
My Mom had to make me pose for a picture with the judge with my two new titles of the weeknd, earning my RL3 title(Rally level 3) and my RLVX2(Rally level Veterans Excellent 2).
Maggie earned her RL3 and RLVX2 titles!
I did have some fear issues of the shadows along the edges of the walls over the course of the weekend. I have been having some fear issues at home too. My Mom wasn’t too sure just what is going on but pretty sure it is my eye sight. She wishes that I could talk so I could tell her for sure…but I looked at the floor quite a bit in some of our runs and I was seeing shadows…I’m not sure if I was going to fall in a black hole or what. My Mom says her eye sight is changing too and maybe we both need glasses now! It’s not fun getting old, is it? 🙁 But I was VERY brave for my Mom…she says that I have “heart”…whatever that means?
And the best for last….competitors were to nominate an individual for the “Inspiration Award” based on a performance that they were ‘moved’ by. The fact that yes, I CAN back up on 3 legs really “moved” alot of fellow competitors and I was awarded the Inspiration Award for the weekend! And there was another disabled dog there in a cart…that was a Corgi that did fabulous all weekend. So, here’s me and my BIG ribbon for the Inspiration Award!
Maggie earned the Inspiration Award!
So, there you have it! Our exciting weekend, with some up’s and down’s. Mom won’t be bringing me to Finish Forward again due to the shadows – she doesn’t want me fearful in the ring again. My Mom tries so hard to protect me…she doesn’t like seeing me scared of things…but this 3 leggedness on top of my eyesight maybe changing can get challenging at times. Thankfully, she brought my rugs down for the kabin floor at KOA cause I did NOT like that kabin floor…too slippery for me!
Well – guess that’s all I have to report! Another great weekend out and about with my Mom and oh yeah, that crazy little sister I have, Haley…
Here’s me destuffing a toy! Aren’t I talented? My Mom tries to stop me from doing this and takes the toy away from me before I get to the ‘destuffing’ mode but sometimes when she’s not paying attention and distracted by my little sister, I secretly and quietly gnaw a hole and then whamo! I’m in! And all stuffing MUST come out! 🙂 Mission accomplished….dead cow toy! Another one bites the dust!
Destuffing CowToy is accomplished!Ok, I’m tired now…time for a nap…Mom, can you pick up the mess please?
Then, here’s my other talent (which my Mom loves btw and tries to make me “sing” all the time)…when someone squeaks a toy it really makes me wanna sing back…do you like my voice? Do you think I could fit in with a wolf or coyote pack? Huh? Do ya? Heck, I can kill toys AND sing…maybe I would fit in! He-he 🙂
Well, that’s all the excitement from this neck of the woods! ‘Til next time, keep on hoppin’!
It was a beautiful weeknd here in Northern Maine! I’m soooooooo lovin’ this summer! I lay around in “MY” yard and do my usual patroling…although I do it laying around more since being a Tripawd. I let my little sister do the ‘sounding off’ and if it needs my attention I’m all there to do my ‘guard duty’ as a good dog should!
Here’s a little clip of me last night playing around with Mom. I tripped up on the last hoop in this clip. My freakin’ Mom cued me late for the hoop and I caught it with my rear foot. But no worries…all was well…I was OK 🙂
Here’s a picture of me and my little sister after our play/training session 🙂 Don’t we look content? We luv playing with our Mom!
I had a pretty good weekend all in all. I went on another Rally Obedience trip with my Mom and little sister Haley. Road trip! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh….I LOVE road trips! The heat though…..YUK! Totally unbearable for everyone 2, 3 and 4 legger’s!
I competed two times on Saturday and once on Sunday showing the world that Tripawds can “sorta” do what 4 leggers can do. There were just wayyyyyyyyyy too many “sits” required in one course on Saturday – my Mom counted them and there were FOURTEEN sits in one course! And I DID do them all but not without some protest to them all! WTH?!?! Sunday’s course was much more bearable for this Tripawd and less sitting! I qualified twice out of three runs…going over time on the run I didn’t qualify in ’cause, well, I was protesting on those freakin’ sits! Gawd! My Mom isn’t too sure Rally-O is cut out for me…but that’s OK she says…we can play it at home and make the courses shorter and more to a Tripawd’s style of less sits please! 🙂
We stayed at a great cabin that we stayed at back in May! It was very cool and I remembered it well. Knowing all too well, I am, of course, allowed on the bed! Wahoo! The owners even leave a sheet out for us doggie’s to put over the bed so we don’t get the bedding too dirty.
On night two at the cabin, my Mom and I were standing outside chatting with my Mom’s friend…I was minding my business when all out of nowhere comes this smallish white dog off of another cabin’s deck – they had rope across the entrance…but that was pretty stupid…that wasn’t gonna keep a dog in if it wants OUT! And this dog wanted a piece of me literally! He was trying to bite my butt! My Mom had to kick him off me!!! WTH!??!?! He wasn’t very big either but I can’t really defend myself very well on three legs and this dog trying to bite my bee-hind!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Phew! Mom to the rescue!
My Mom took me and little sister to our chiropractor we haven’t been to in a while – since I’ve been a Tripawd. I was out alot above my shoulders and my lower back/sacrum area…which these area’s all stand to reason being a Tripawd, she said. She also did cold laser on me… a general nerve awakening for my body. After that, I crashed completely! 🙂
On Sunday, my run in Rally was MUCH better! Less sitting on this course! Yay! My Mom was very proud of me 🙂 I did a good job! But she still says Rally is probably too much for me…she says my “job” may be to stay home with my Papa and keep him straight while she and little sister Haley compete in stuff. That’s OK with me too although I DO LOVE road trips and cabin stays(without the dog biting my butt though!)
When we got home today, Mom gave me and little sister a bone. I proceeded to bury mine while Haley chewed on hers. Mom had to unbury my bone! Imagine! She said if she didn’t, me and little sister would get into a fist fight about it later. Well, a while later, I was headed out back with Mom…and little sister next to me, when all of a sudden SHE goes into a hysterical fit and now attacking ME! WTH!??! Am I some sort of magnet to getting beat up lately??!! Apparently, Haley thought I was going to go steal her bone that she hadn’t finished yet!(and Mom apologized to me later cause she told me she should of picked it up after Haley was done chewing it.) So Mom to the rescue again and peeling Haley off me! My gawd! What the heck…do I have a sign on my Tripawd butt that says “bite me”!??!??!
Anyways – after the smoke cleared..we’ve all kissed(well sorta!) and made up…I’m now VERY happy to be on MY futon and resting comfortably after a long, hot and exciting weekend(in more ways than one!)
After a LiveChat on with Dr. Waldman this month, I’ve gotten Maggie back on track with her PT work. We’d been slacking off a bit with the better weather now and have just been taking walks. Dr. Waldman said that walking is NOT rehab and that Tripawds need to have a strong core….so along with some stuff I have gotten from video’s I have by Dr. Chris Zink and Debbie Saunders, I also decided to buy two FitPaws balance cushions after the chat with Dr. Waldman.
By adding strengthening activity to our Tripawder’s(or any dog!) exercise, it has many benefits:
Improved reaction and control of their body
Increased trunk and core strength
Stabilization of weak areas
Improve balance and awareness of the body’s position in space
Increase range of motion of joints and lengthening of muscles
Here is Maggie on the FitPaws balance cushions. I bought two to put side by side so I could get her entire body on the cushions. I have her do reps. of “sit to stand”; reach for treats to shoulders and hips; walk over cushion; front or rear paw(s) on cushion and reach for treats; and manually rock her front to back and side to side.
And here is Maggie with her front end on the balance disc. Obviously, she cannot get her whole body on this disc. By putting her front end on and her reaching for treats high, that puts the weight on her rear end, helping to strengthen it. This disc is alot harder for her to balance than the cushions.
And this is Maggie doing Figure 8’s around two cones. The closer you put the cones together, the tougher it is for the dog. This is another strengthening exercise.
And this is an older video of Maggie doing cavaletti’s…another strengthening exercise. I made a new video last nite but I can’t get it to load correctly 🙁 Sorry this one is dark – I’ll have to tape her again doing them to get a better video.
After Maggie does a PT work session, I do range of motion stretches with her three legs. Dr. Waldman also pointed out to be sure to do hip extensions on the remaining rear leg often. I can only assume due to a rear tripawder not being able to really stretch out and hopping with leg underneath them most of the time.
Dr. Waldman suggested doing 10-15 reps per day of various standing exercises such as these, on an unstable surface like the FitPaws cushions. She commented that walking is NOT rehab…core strength is the key for mobility issues. Tripawder’s should only walk 10-15 minutes at a time, 2-3 times per day.
I hope I am quoting Dr. Waldman correctly! She was a great help in kicking my butt in gear to getting back to Maggie’s rehab…she said it needs to be done long term.
Hope these video’s are helpful! Maggie loves to do these ‘tricks’ for treats!
I have been wanting to show everyone what my “job” used to be before becoming a Tripawd. I started doing Agility back in 2001. My last competition was in the fall of 2008(we never do agility in the winter) because I started having problems the Spring of 2009. The problems first started as muscle problems – tight lower back and sore left groin area after jumping up for a ball….to then a possible ACL tear in my knee, to the worst of the worst…CANCER and amputation of my left rear leg by the fall of 2009.
But let’s show you some bright things to talk about – AGILITY! 🙂 Here’s me and Mom doing an Elite Regular course in Dummerston, VT back in October 2007. This was one of the last qualifying rounds I needed to finish my MEDAL Championship title in NADAC agility! How do you like those weave poles! Am I awesome or what! Rahhhh!
And this is THE last qualifying round I needed to finish my MEDAL…. Wrentham, MA – Elite Chances class.. You’ll see orange survey tape markings on the ground. My Mom couldn’t go past those tapes on the ground to handle me thru the course! And then, when you see me WHOA! on the dogwalk…my Mom said to me WHOA!….I said HUH? You’ve NEVER said that command on an agility course?!? That’s my SKIJORING command! So I stopped dead in my tracks! After all, I DO know what the word means Mom! Soooo funny….she was afraid I was gonna miss a paw in the “yellow zone” at the bottom of the plank…cause if I hadn’t put a paw in the yellow…then I would of NOT qualified missing our chance of finishing that MEDAL Championship title! But in my usual style, I finished the course in grand style, wouldn’t you say?
So that was my past “job”…..I could still do three classes that NADAC has – Tunnelers(all tunnels), Weavers(tunnels & weave poles) or Hoopers(all hula hoops)…but my Mom says the only one she would even consider me running now on three legs is Hoopers…that’s the only safe one for me. I am taller than a tunnel, you’ll see I have to duck to go thru them…it would be pretty tough on me physically. And Weavers…forget that…that would be WAY tough for a large dog like me…it’s tough even with four legs! So, what is left is Hoopers….I may try that some time this year…but me and Mom can play Hoopers at home and have just as much fun 🙂
So….now a look into my future….I will be debuting in what is called Rally Obedience. It is far less stressful on a dog’s body…especially a Tripawd like me! Although it does have it’s ‘taxing’ things for a 3 legger….like lots of sits are required, so I’m not sure if I’ll be able to do much of it as sitting is often hard for me to do…so we’ll see what my future holds as far as competing…but here’s a practice run to see what Rally Obedience is like. It’s sort of a combination of agility and obedience. You follow a numbered course and do what each station’s sign says to perform. That could be sits, stays, downs, pivots, stands or turns. In the upper levels there is also jumping…I will be able to do that with the jump height dropped for my disability! So….we’ll see if my future will have Rally Obedience competitions in it….I will try my “paw” at it May 1st & 2nd!
No matter what my competition future holds, my Mom says she’s soooooooooooo happy I’m still here to be able to play with her and just enjoy each other’s company. If anything, I can go for a R-I-D-E with her and my little sister to the competitions and be the mascot! 🙂