It was a beautiful weeknd here in Northern Maine! I’m soooooooo lovin’ this summer! I lay around in “MY” yard and do my usual patroling…although I do it laying around more since being a Tripawd. I let my little sister do the ‘sounding off’ and if it needs my attention I’m all there to do my ‘guard duty’ as a good dog should!
Here’s a little clip of me last night playing around with Mom. I tripped up on the last hoop in this clip. My freakin’ Mom cued me late for the hoop and I caught it with my rear foot. But no worries…all was well…I was OK 🙂
Here’s a picture of me and my little sister after our play/training session 🙂 Don’t we look content? We luv playing with our Mom!
I had a pretty good weekend all in all. I went on another Rally Obedience trip with my Mom and little sister Haley. Road trip! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh….I LOVE road trips! The heat though…..YUK! Totally unbearable for everyone 2, 3 and 4 legger’s!
I competed two times on Saturday and once on Sunday showing the world that Tripawds can “sorta” do what 4 leggers can do. There were just wayyyyyyyyyy too many “sits” required in one course on Saturday – my Mom counted them and there were FOURTEEN sits in one course! And I DID do them all but not without some protest to them all! WTH?!?! Sunday’s course was much more bearable for this Tripawd and less sitting! I qualified twice out of three runs…going over time on the run I didn’t qualify in ’cause, well, I was protesting on those freakin’ sits! Gawd! My Mom isn’t too sure Rally-O is cut out for me…but that’s OK she says…we can play it at home and make the courses shorter and more to a Tripawd’s style of less sits please! 🙂
We stayed at a great cabin that we stayed at back in May! It was very cool and I remembered it well. Knowing all too well, I am, of course, allowed on the bed! Wahoo! The owners even leave a sheet out for us doggie’s to put over the bed so we don’t get the bedding too dirty.
On night two at the cabin, my Mom and I were standing outside chatting with my Mom’s friend…I was minding my business when all out of nowhere comes this smallish white dog off of another cabin’s deck – they had rope across the entrance…but that was pretty stupid…that wasn’t gonna keep a dog in if it wants OUT! And this dog wanted a piece of me literally! He was trying to bite my butt! My Mom had to kick him off me!!! WTH!??!?! He wasn’t very big either but I can’t really defend myself very well on three legs and this dog trying to bite my bee-hind!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Phew! Mom to the rescue!
My Mom took me and little sister to our chiropractor we haven’t been to in a while – since I’ve been a Tripawd. I was out alot above my shoulders and my lower back/sacrum area…which these area’s all stand to reason being a Tripawd, she said. She also did cold laser on me… a general nerve awakening for my body. After that, I crashed completely! 🙂
On Sunday, my run in Rally was MUCH better! Less sitting on this course! Yay! My Mom was very proud of me 🙂 I did a good job! But she still says Rally is probably too much for me…she says my “job” may be to stay home with my Papa and keep him straight while she and little sister Haley compete in stuff. That’s OK with me too although I DO LOVE road trips and cabin stays(without the dog biting my butt though!)
When we got home today, Mom gave me and little sister a bone. I proceeded to bury mine while Haley chewed on hers. Mom had to unbury my bone! Imagine! She said if she didn’t, me and little sister would get into a fist fight about it later. Well, a while later, I was headed out back with Mom…and little sister next to me, when all of a sudden SHE goes into a hysterical fit and now attacking ME! WTH!??! Am I some sort of magnet to getting beat up lately??!! Apparently, Haley thought I was going to go steal her bone that she hadn’t finished yet!(and Mom apologized to me later cause she told me she should of picked it up after Haley was done chewing it.) So Mom to the rescue again and peeling Haley off me! My gawd! What the heck…do I have a sign on my Tripawd butt that says “bite me”!??!??!
Anyways – after the smoke cleared..we’ve all kissed(well sorta!) and made up…I’m now VERY happy to be on MY futon and resting comfortably after a long, hot and exciting weekend(in more ways than one!)
Holy CowDog, what a weekend! My favorite(and only) Auntie Gina and two of my cousins came to visit us for the weekend and play! What a great time we all had! I showed off my Tripawd talents, if I do say so myself!! hehe! We hiked, practiced Rally-O, did my physical therapy course and swam!
Look at me go!!! Just out of a water hole all refreshed!
Saturday, I got to go for a walk with the whole crew…my Mom took us on one of my favorite roads, which is good walkin’ for a Tripawd like me! I got to show off my ability to find nice water holes to wade in and cool off – oh and get a tad muddy in the process! And ya’ know what…I can beat those little Jack Russell’s now…now I am in the lead ’cause they can’t keep up with my new gait that I have ~ aka “Tripawd Trot”!
Me & Cousins Gem & Cue(just a pup behind me). Gem & I used to compete together in agility - we grew up together and learned the ropes of agility together..
Then I, once again, got to show off to my Auntie and cousins my little “Tripawd Agility course” aka my physical therapy tools… Here’s a video of me!
And this morning’s walk was just as cool! Before getting out of the car, my Mom could tell I was gonna be a ‘bad girl’….I was feelin’ my oats big time this weekend! But she let me loose…once, I took off growling and sniffing some sort of wild animal smell…never caught up to it…but it was great fun runnin’ and showin’ off!! hehe! Then jump back in some water holes again. My Auntie Gina said I was showing her Jack Russell pup some bad behaviors by not listenin’….me? not listen? Naw, it’s called “selective hearing” Auntie Gina! 😉 Plus, I’m spoiled to the hilt these days!!!
Here’s me swimmin’! Well, not really swimmin’….I was never a swimmer with four legs either…but I’m a good wader and stick chaser!
It was nice for Auntie Gina to see me as she hadn’t seen me in two months…she said I was MUCH stronger than the last time she’d seen me! Guess my Mom’s physical therapy stuff & our walks are making me stronger!
This has been an absolute great summer so far for me! Last year at this time, we were trying to figure out why I was sore in my rear leg at times. It was thought that I had an ACL injury, so I was on a leash for a couple of months….talk about a VERY boring summer(and painful)….but that’s all in the past now…TODAY, I’m having an absolute blast showin’ off my Tripawd Talents and how, yup, I CAN do most anything you four leggers can, yes I can!!!
This is as deep as I go! Even when I had 4 legs!! I MUST touch bottom!
(oh, Mom just reminded me I didn’t go on the hike on the Mountain Trail with the others on Saturday’s second walk…pffffttt…she says it’s too steep and long for me…well, let me at it…maybe I CAN do it Mom! Oh, I know, Mother’s know best 🙂
‘Til the next blog post – that’s all from this neck of the woods!