My July 4th weekend was a BLAST!

Holy CowDog, what a weekend!  My favorite(and only) Auntie Gina and two of my cousins came to visit us for the weekend and play!  What a great time we all had!  I showed off my Tripawd talents, if I do say so myself!! hehe!  We hiked, practiced Rally-O, did my physical therapy course and swam!

Look at me go!!! Just out of a water hole all refreshed!

Saturday, I got to go for a walk with the whole crew…my Mom took us on one of my favorite roads, which is good walkin’ for a Tripawd like me!  I got to show off my ability to find nice water holes to wade in and cool off – oh and get a tad muddy in the process!  And ya’ know what…I can beat those little Jack Russell’s now…now I am in the lead ’cause they can’t keep up with my new gait that I have ~ aka “Tripawd Trot”!

Me & Cousins Gem & Cue(just a pup behind me). Gem & I used to compete together in agility - we grew up together and learned the ropes of agility together..

Then I, once again, got to show off to my Auntie and cousins my little “Tripawd Agility course” aka my physical therapy tools…  Here’s a video of me!

And this morning’s walk was just as cool!  Before getting out of the car, my Mom could tell I was gonna be a ‘bad girl’….I was feelin’ my oats big time this weekend!  But she let me loose…once, I took off growling and sniffing some sort of wild animal smell…never caught up to it…but it was great fun runnin’ and showin’ off!! hehe!  Then jump back in some water holes again.  My Auntie Gina said I was showing her Jack Russell pup some bad behaviors by not listenin’….me? not listen?  Naw, it’s called “selective hearing” Auntie Gina! 😉  Plus, I’m spoiled to the hilt these days!!!

Here’s me swimmin’!  Well, not really swimmin’….I was never a swimmer with four legs either…but I’m a good wader and stick chaser!

It was nice for Auntie Gina to see me as she hadn’t seen me in two months…she said I was MUCH stronger than the last time she’d seen me!  Guess my Mom’s physical therapy stuff & our walks are making me stronger!

This has been an absolute great summer so far for me!  Last year at this time, we were trying to figure out why I was sore in my rear leg at times.  It was thought that I had an ACL injury, so I was on a leash for a couple of months….talk about a VERY boring summer(and painful)….but that’s all in the past now…TODAY, I’m having an absolute blast showin’ off my Tripawd Talents and how, yup, I CAN do most anything you four leggers can, yes I can!!!

This is as deep as I go! Even when I had 4 legs!! I MUST touch bottom!

(oh, Mom just reminded me I didn’t go on the hike on the Mountain Trail with the others on Saturday’s second walk…pffffttt…she says it’s too steep and long for me…well, let me at it…maybe I CAN do it Mom! Oh, I know, Mother’s know best 🙂

‘Til the next blog post – that’s all from this neck of the woods!


Author: maggie

Maggie was diagnosed with soft tissue sarcoma on her left knee. She had amputation done on October 20, 2009. Four days after surgery she had a low grade fever and was off her food for two weeks! Trying times.. I am grateful and so pleased with how she is progressing now.

11 thoughts on “My July 4th weekend was a BLAST!”

  1. maggie, your blog entries just wear me out!!! really nice you can spend your holiday with cousins, doing fun stuff and ‘showing off’. thanks for sharing your videos, you look maevveelloouussss!!!


  2. Thank you Gayle, Admin and Nancy!!!

    I’m sooooooo proud of Maggie! She’s doing so fabulous! 🙂

    See you soon Nancy!! This means Stewie is back to himself now! Yay!


  3. Maggie Moo – you never cease to amaze me! You are such a bundle of energy and so quick on your feet (even if you have to touch bottom when you swim – you’re just too cute!) I agree with Charon – watching your videos wears me out too! Where ever do you get your agility? You really are an amazing Maggie Moo!

  4. Maggie Moo you are sooooo awesome!! I see you do the pug swim- feet always on the ground. Of course for pugs that is about 6″ of water!!
    I must go nap now- your posts always wear me out, and make me feel guilty because I skipped the gym this morning.
    Keep up the good work scaring your mom, its a little aerobic work out for her!

    Karen and the pug girls

  5. It was so pawesome to see you this weekend girls! Me and the JRT’s had a blast! Cheers to next time!!! Mags, you look fantastic!

  6. Maggie, every time you star in a video, you are giving hope to so many! We love watching you have a blast. Hope we get to see you and all your energy in pawson sometime! Keep it up.

  7. Maggie, we love hearing about your adventures! You are doing pawsome!! I am a wader at heart, too – like to keep all 3 legs on the bottom, and did the same when I had that spare 4th leg. Zuzu likes to swim, though – and she worries me to no end when she goes where she can’t touch bottom! I’d go wading with you any day, Maggie Moo!
    Holly Jolly

  8. Mooster!
    WTH! I need a nap and a muscle relaxer after reading and watching! Geeze!
    Is there anything you can’t do? I think you could keep up with Monkeybutt!
    No cheers here, I’m too exhausted! ……….Okay, just one.


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