Or so at least *I* think so! 🙂
Here’s me destuffing a toy! Aren’t I talented? My Mom tries to stop me from doing this and takes the toy away from me before I get to the ‘destuffing’ mode but sometimes when she’s not paying attention and distracted by my little sister, I secretly and quietly gnaw a hole and then whamo! I’m in! And all stuffing MUST come out! 🙂 Mission accomplished….dead cow toy! Another one bites the dust!

Then, here’s my other talent (which my Mom loves btw and tries to make me “sing” all the time)…when someone squeaks a toy it really makes me wanna sing back…do you like my voice? Do you think I could fit in with a wolf or coyote pack? Huh? Do ya? Heck, I can kill toys AND sing…maybe I would fit in! He-he 🙂
Well, that’s all the excitement from this neck of the woods! ‘Til next time, keep on hoppin’!
maggie – sounds like you are classically trained!!! what a beautiful voice…and what a ‘wrecked cow’… thanks for some smiles!
charon & gayle
Well, where were those de-stuffing talents when Barney visited!?
Hey Mr. Admin,
I tried to destuff Barney when he was here but MOM wouldn’t let me!!! I started licking and licking and licking him…but Mom knew the next phase of the licking was Cow-A-Bunga! Time to gnaw a hole in him to get the stuffing! She took him away from me telling me he had to stay “whole” for his next adventure! 🙁
Maggie, The Pro DeStuffer!
Maggie….you musta hung out with JRT’s too much to inherit such distruction! 😉
Maggie-you scared me! It looks like you were destuffing me!
You have a beautiful singing voice
Ok. That video clip of Maggie squeaking and singing got Catie seriously curious. One minute she’s having a lie-down; the next she’s by my side staring at the computer with her head cocked.
Thank you for that. 🙂
Attagirl, Maggie. Extraordinary singer; rally queen; toy destuffer. What a talented girl!
OH doesn’t that stuffing taste so good? I can’t figure out why whenever I do that, my Mom and Dad grabs it away from me. They miss the point entirely, don’t they?
Many months ago when you left a comment saying Chloe and Maggie were “cut from the same cloth”, I have to say back to you. As you know Chloe LOVES DESTUFFING TOYS. And I too try to take them away before that happens….but she still gets ’em on occasion. Chloe also LOVES to sing especially right when I come home. Sometimes when she wants to play.
Well Mags, if you don’t fit into a wolf pack, you certainly fit into our pack! We could be called, the “missing left hind leg, singing, de-stuffing, silly girls only” pack!
-Nicole and Chloe
Oh and I too had to take Barney away after she chewed out his eye. The next step would have been de-stuffing and Barney would have been dead…
-A fellow professional de-stuffer
Nicole –
You made me smile this morning with your comments 🙂
“missing left hind leg, singing, destuffing, silly girls only pack”! LOVE IT 🙂
I told ya’ Chloe was so much like Mags 🙂
My dog likes to “kill” stuffed toys too. They don’t last more than 5 minutes, so I decided not to buy them for my dog anymore 🙂 He has enough fun with the tennis balls 🙂