News Flash! Health update!

Some of you have probably heard me complain about Maggie’s changing eyesight and

also her liver numbers being a little “off” at her recent yearly vet check.  Since that time,

she has been on Denamarin for her liver and was told to recheck her blood again in a

month.  When I was downstate last weekend, we swung into Auntie Gina’s vet office

(we fondly call Auntie “Dr. Gina” – she’s a Vet Tech but really SHOULD be a Vet),

to have her doctor up Maggie’s cyst on her shoulder(which is healig nicely now!) and

while there had her draw her blood.  Her liver numbers, and all others for that matter,

are perfect now! 🙂

Also, while downstate, I had an appointment with another holistic vet, Dr. Lee Herzig,

that we use for acupuncture, cold laser and chiropractic.  I told him about her eyesight

changing – he looked into her eyes and said she had the start of cateracts.

Earlier, “Dr. Gina”, had prescribed several various cell salts that I’ve been giving Maggie

for both her lumps and bumps and her eyesight.  Dr. Herzig also now has me putting

homeopathic eyedrops into Maggie’s eyes…so she’s getting internal homeopathic and

external homeopathic help for her eyes and I am VERY VERY VERY happy to report

that a lot of her vision phobia’s she’s been having in my house are pretty much

disappearing!!!!  I’m in total shock as this has been a really big ongoing issue for her!

So thank you to “Dr. Gina” and to Dr. Herzig for the help with Maggie!

On another note, here’s a fun little training video of Maggie I did the other night:


My Wag It Games Weekend results!

Moose Point State Park with Penobscot Bay behind me – Belfast Maine

Hello all!

It was a busy weekend for me and my little sister, Haley, last weekend.  Mom took us

to Lincolnville(Maine) for more FUN Wag It Games Trials.  Here are a few photo’s

from our cool cabin and from our walk at Moose Point State Park nearby!


Me n’ Mom at Moose Point State Park
View from along the trail
Me and my dorky little sister at the COOL cabin!
the Park has lots of weddings held there – the grounds are beautiful!
one of the trails..

I played in Novice Sniff It, Skilled(2nd level) Shadow Skills and Skilled

No Need for Speed Skills. I earned my WAG1 Sniff It in Search and Identify!

I earned my WAG2-O(Obstacle skills) and my WAG2-S(Shadow skills)!!!

So my Mom is pretty darn proud of me…here’s some video links to some of my runs:

This is No Need For Speed Class – a lot of it reminds me of my ole’ agility days – only

NO speed 🙂  I LOVE the ramps and the hoops!  Oh and I’m pretty darn good at that

“Place It” exercise – where I pick up the ball and drop it in the bowl!

And this is my first run of Skilled Shadow Skills.  I was a little drifty to start – not sure

what I was seeing(or not seeing) on the floor – my eyesight is giving me a bit of a hard

time 🙁

And these are Novice Sniff It – the Search portion.  Identify portion is 10 containers in

a row but no video of me doing those tests.

And here’s a photo of my ribbons I earned!  Pretty colors huh?

Me and my “bling”!
Notice the ribbons have THREE paws on them!!! How cool is that!!!

Well, that’s all from this neck of the woods!  Guess I’m done braggin’ for a bit!  😉

‘Til next time, keep on hoppin’!



Summer time finally!

Hey all my fellow Tripawders!

It’s summer time finally here in Northern Maine.  Mom took me for a nice little jaunt around what she calls “Maggie’s Trail” just down the road from where we live.  We rarely ever see anyone there so I think they made it for ME!  All for me!  Hence, the name of the trail 🙂  Getting around purty good…my sight and hearing are going a tad but, hey, what do you expect for 12 1/2 years old! Mom just HAD to show you this video…I don’t know why but she said it proves my hearing is going…pffftt…will you tell her I was just ignoring her!

And Mom took this one to show how much I “work” as a Tripawd.  It’s hard work to motor around on three legs sometimes…

And of course, Mom had to shoot some pictures of me!

TRIPAWD POWER! My little tag I got from you know who(hint: Rene!)
Along “Maggie’s Trail” (well really it’s a public trail but I think it’s mine!)
Mom, can we go for a walk now? Enuff pictures already!
Ok, this photo shoot is making me tired! Time for a break!

Well, after all those photo’s FINALLY we started motoring down the trail…my walk was was hot and I got muddy getting into a mud hole, so Mom took me down to the lake to get cooled off and washed off!

Here’s “my” version of swimming…3 legs or 4…I haven’t changed MY style of swimming(aka wading!)

Well, ’til next time, keep on hoppin’!
