….to saying goodbye to Maggie… Today was a beautiful day, weatherwise…so we buried Maggie’s ashes under her pine trees. She spent a lot of time under those pine trees through the years… From her younger days of breaking off dead branches and playing with the sticks and breaking them into tiny little pieces, to just hanging out under them for shade, to in her older years, eating the pine needles off the branches(I’ve been told they have Vit. B in them – maybe that was my first clue to her having kidney disease?)… I thought it was fitting to lay her to rest under the pines…it’s peaceful there…I can go visit her in privacy and just sit with her, as I did today afterwards…

….It was a difficult afternoon burying Maggie….stirred up all the emotions….the final deed being done…but she loved it under those pines…
…one more picture….I found this on my camera a week or so ago…one of the last one’s I took of Maggie…this was after I’d made the decision to put her to rest…her soul shines through in this photo…I think she was telling me she was okay with my decision…or so I hope.
I used to tell Maggie all the time…
“Love you Maggie, love you very much”….