Guess what! Guess what! We went camping!!! Woo-hoooooooooooo! Here’s some highlight’s to our short 2 day camping trip to Denny Pond:
My Mom decided it was time to give me a whirl in the kayak as a Tripawd now. She brought the trusty ole’ bath matt to put on the bottom of the kayak floor so I wouldn’t slip getting in and out. When she asked me if I “wanted to go for a ride”, I started jumping in before she was even ready to help me! Heck yeah, Mom! Let’s go!!!!!! Well, needless to say, due to my excitement, my Mom shed a few tears going around the pond with me. She was “touched” by me once again! How come I make her cry? I know they are ‘happy tears’ now but geez, Mom…don’t be such a gush! 🙂

Here’s a short clip of me being a ‘good girl’ and just quietly watching the Momma duck and her babies float by in front of us:
Sunday morning, I went squirrel hunting as they were chattering up a storm next to our tent site! So I stealthily and quietly went stalking for the little buggers and I found ’em…that is until Mom said I had to come back to the tent site 🙁

Then here’s me Sunday morning after I had breakfast…back to the tent on the air mattress for a nice little morning nap….ahhhh, I LOVE camping!

I don’t know why Mom insists I add this photo to MY blog but here it is…me and my annoying little sister, Haley, on the walking trail to Gaillee Pond on Sunday morning. It was early but wicked humid as our tongues can tell you! Mom said I was a TROOPER on the fairly hilly trail…actually, I think my Papa was having a harder time keeping up with my Tripawd gait ’cause he’s nice enough to keep up with me vs making me slow down 🙂 I wasn’t all that tired either – that makes my Mom happy…

So, there’s my recent adventure…until next time, keep on hoppin’!