I had the most spectacular weekend helping Mom clean out our winter walking trails! I LOVE winter! My Mom thinks I MUST have some Northern Breed in me to love it so much 🙂
Mmmm….frozen deer poop!gotta go find MORE frozen deer poop!Taking a break…
And just a little video to show the Quadpawd’s of the world, that us Tripawds can RUN and we can run FAST!
And here’s me helping Mom clean the bushes from our trail! I think I do a grand job, do you?
My Auntie Gina took this video of me and my little sister, Haley, when she was up for Christmas…she forgot that it was on her camera, so it only got loaded on YouTube today! So, can you guess by watching me, what do I find the coolest about Christmas presents?
The most important thing I have to post today, though, is it’s my ELEVENTH Birthday! On 1-11-11, I’m 11 !! 🙂
My Mom really can’t believe I’m 11. She says besides the gray hairs on my face and in my ears, I don’t act a bit different – well, except for that fact I’m missing a leg and it causes me lack of stamina…if it’s one thing I’ve taught my Mom, is this quote that she loves:
“It’s not whether you get knocked down, it’s whether you get back up”
~ Vince Lombardi
It’s been a while since writing on my blog – not much goin’ on right now here in Northern Maine. These two photo’s were taken last weekend on our walks.. since then, the snow has completely melted!!! Yesterday was a balmy 55 degrees! What in the world?! My Mom was all worried if the snow didn’t all melt cause it was turning into a skating rink in our yard! But it rained again last night and now the yard is all green and a sloppy mess… But have no fear, we have 3-5 inches of the white stuff arriving in the next day or so…so it’s back to that white stuff again just in time for Christmas 🙂
Here’s to hoping all my Tripawd buddies have a great Christmas! I KNOW we’ve all been very, very good so we’ll be getting all kinds of cool stuff for Christmas…and even if we haven’t been good, we’ll still get goodies ’cause after all, we’re TRIPAWDS and TRIPAWDS RULE! 🙂
walkin' in the winter wonderland...
Can I stop posing now?
Oh and just ’cause I feel like being nice to my little sister this time of year, I let her post a picture of herself on MY blog 🙂 Ok, so Mom made me do it!!! Oh well…here’s the little rugrat!
I had the most fabulous adventure this weekend! Mom and I competed in the first ever Wag It Games Trials in Lincolnville, Maine. This is a common place that we visit as Mom and I and little sister, Haley often do APDT Rally-O trials there. These Games were invented by the owner of Wag It Training Center, Sumac Johnson. And guess what, I am the dog that gave her the idea to start what is called the “Heart Dog Program” where dogs with disabilities can compete with special circumstances depending on the dog! So for me, doing multiple sits over and over just is too much. So when Mom thinks I’ve had enough sitting and it’s getting too tough for me, I get to do my rock solid stand! I can stand like a statue! And if you think about it, a “stand/stay” really is harder than a “sit/stay” for a typical four legged dog. But me, I ROCK at stands! 🙂 It’s those sits that sometimes are hard…
There are 5 different classes but on Saturday these are the classes that Heart Dog’s are allowed to compete in:
Shadow Skills – it’s like Rally Obedience, Freestyle and Agility handling on the flat all in one course. As you move up in the levels, there are harder signs to perform. The dog works on both the left and the right of the handler.
Independent Skills – this is where the dog works away from the dog and performs certain behaviors like sending to a jump, recalling over a jump, sending to turn a light on, sending to a mat on the floor to down on. The behaviors are similar to some seen in both agility, rally-o and traditional obedience and some fun one’s like sending to a light to turn it on.
No Need for Speed Skills – this is a really fun class where it’s sorta like using alot of the foundation obstacles used in agility training. Fun things like hoops, ladders, pause table, buja board and short tunnels. The steps/bridge I cannot do as I fear steps & physically can’t do steps without Mom’s help, so I skip that obstacle. As the name implies, the dog isn’t to run this course like they do in agility. This is probably my favorite class as it reminds me of my agility days the most 🙂
There was even a photographer there but he hasn’t loaded the pictures yet on his website so I could share them…but I just had to share these video’s of me 🙂 I qualified in all SIX classes! I was the only dog to qualify in all six and guess what, that meant I got HIGH IN TRIAL for the day! Woohoo!!! The best score you can get is 100 – I got 97, 98, 100, 100, 100, 100 for my runs! Because I am in the Heart Dog Program I am judged a little differently than the other dogs, based on my ability to do to the course as designed, so I don’t compete against the others in individual classes to make it fair all the way around. But I did go against them all for High In Trial award….pretty cool, huh?
Here’s video’s of the Novice Shadow Skills courses:
Here’s one of the Independent Skills class – 2nd video of this class got messed up – bummer too, cause that course had the turning the light on in it! 🙁
Here’s one of the No Need For Speed Skills class:
Mom is so proud of me! She wasn’t sure if I had the stamina for all six runs but I did! I rocked! I was tired though the next day, so if it were a 2 day trial, I’d have to only do 3 runs for each day vs. six. I had the BEST time! I loved it! It’s like this sport was designed just for me! Look for a Wag It Games trial or classes near you someday as the inventor of these games has had interest even out West! They are fun, fun, fun! And the best part is the Heart Dog Program to allow special circumstances for us Tripawds(or other disabilities as well)!
We can’t wait for the next trial now! But it’s not until January… Fun! Fun!
Hey all my Tripawd friends! Guess what! I gotta brag! I earned yet another title in Rally Obedience! Mom entered me in the Veterans level class – where there are less sits for us old dogs…LOL…yeah, I’m 10 years old but nope that ain’t why sittin’ is hard to do ….. most of you can guess, it’s cause I’m a rear Tripawd….too many sits are tough! The regular level classes have way too many sits for my liking! So, Mom put me in Veterans class this wknd(shorter course and less sits)…guess what – I TOTALLY ROCKED THE HOUSE DOWN! Ok, so I’m full of myself, yeah, I know….but here’s some video’s to show you all how much fun I had with Mom! These first two runs are Veterans class. The third run didn’t get taped but after the 3rd run, that earned me my Rally Veterans title! With scores of ALL 210’s – that’s the best score you can get! PERFECT! I got perfect scores! 🙂
And this run is in Level 1 – notice the course is longer and more yucky sits. But I did pretty darn good, scoring a 208 out of a possible perfect score of 210! And I placed 4th! This run goes with some other legs I earned earlier in the year to try to finish up my Excellent title in Level 1. Mom looks at the courses first and if there are too many sits, then she’ll pull me but this one wasn’t too bad! There have been some courses where I’ve had to sit 16 times in one course! That’s just wayyyyyy too much for this Tripawd in a short period of time.
So what do you guys think? Do you think I did a good job? I think I did but like I said, I’m pretty full of myself at times! LOL 🙂
Hey all! I just had to report in on my old stomping grounds me and Mom have gone for a walk now twice! She hasn’t been taking me up in these fields behind our house ’cause the grass was too long but now it’s mowed(but could stand to be a tad shorter to not tire out my tripawd legs). But we tried it out a week ago and guess what! I did great! And no ill after effects of being too tired after, so we went up there again yesterday! Wahoo! I LOVE it up in the fields! Here’s some pictures of me and some video’s! Aren’t I just the coolest Tripawd in Northern Maine?! 😉
Wait a minute....what do I smell????
And here’s a clip to what I smelled….well, shhhhh, I didn’t tell Mom what I rolled in…and there was no remnants of anything on my shoulder, so she’s not really sure! She thinks it was a dead mouse ! 🙂
And here’s Mom playing hide and seek with me…I love this game 🙂
Here's me on me and Mom's "thinking rock"! Been a loooong time since I got up on this rock!
Me and Mom used to spend quite a few minutes each time we walked up in the fields before I was a Tripawd to stop and sit on our “thinking rock”. It was a great place to take in the wonderful view of our town’s lake and our house down below! The grass and bushes need to be cleaned out – guess we’re gonna venture up here more, so we’d better clean that out Mom! Look at me! I jumped right up on the rock and Mom didn’t even tell me to! I remembered “our rock”! 🙂
So, I had another great walk yesterday…just thought I’d pass on some video’s and photo’s of it to show that Tripawds do in fact ROCK! He-he, get it? Me on a rock? 😉
One more picture of me thinking this was a GREAT walk Mom! Thanks for letting me show you what I can do!
Keep on hoppin’!
PS the orange bandana is cause it’s huntin’ season up here(even though it was Sunday, you just never know!) – although I don’t really think I look like a partridge(bird), do you?!?! Stupid hunters – I don’t want them to mistake me for a BIRD!
One year ago today, we made the decision to give Maggie a second chance on life. I thought I was prepared for her surgery, having really known that she probably had soft tissue sarcoma on her left rear leg, diagnosed by my sister, Gina, (a LVT) and then confirmed by Maggie’s surgeon, Dr. Chris Miles of Lucerne Vet Clinic. She was in so much pain prior to the surgery, the week between the biopsy and the actual surgery date, was agonizing…very long minutes, hours, days to finally getting her some pain relief. After surgery, when I saw Mags the first time, I was so upset…what did we do to her…no turning back now..but wow, did we do the right thing? Thank goodness my sister, Gina, was there to keep things in perspective for me & help me get through that first day at the clinic with Maggie.
When driving home, the closer we got home on October 22, 2010, there was fresh snow on the ground. Oh yeah, just to make the struggles of getting around for a newly amputated dog all that more difficult…for both she and us. Then on October 25th she wouldn’t eat. Running a low grade fever for two weeks and struggling to get her to eat in that time frame. Thankfully, she was drinking – and drinking A LOT. Several trips back and forth to the surgeon and local vet to find out what we could do to help – what was wrong? Those two weeks were pure HELL. Totally. I got through it mentally with the help of my sister, husband and friends. I still wasn’t sure we’d done the right thing. But no turning back now…keep on struggling until finally her fever broke and she started eating on her own again! Party! The little things like eating that were such a triumph!
Then comes the day she can be FREE off a leash, after having been on one for a very long time prior to surgery, as she was misdiagnosed as having an ACL injury. After she got her stitches out and we came home, I let her loose. I will never forget the emotions that ran through me for those first few minutes of watching her. Her learning to meander around the yard on three legs. Her happily grabbing a stick to chew on! Another small triumph!
As the days, weeks and months have gone by, there have been many triumphs for Maggie. She has gained in strength very slowly but with the help of physical therapy that I do with her and being able to go for short walks, she’s gained her life back mostly…only on three legs – three healthy legs 🙂 She earned her Rally Level 1 title in APDT Rally Obedience in May. She competed at another Rally trial in July earning more legs in Level 1 and Halloween weekend she is entered in another Rally trial, this time in Veterans class. In November, she is entered in the new Wag It Games where she will be in the special “Heart Dog Program” for disabled dogs having special rules apply for her disability! She plays a bit of down scaled agility in the back yard but doesn’t compete in it anymore…but she’s OK with that..she has just as much fun in the back yard 🙂 We go for walks and she is up to a half hour walk now on some pretty hilly ground. There was a day when she couldn’t handle two days in a row of walking but now she can!
I am so proud of Maggie. The courage she has had to endure at times for just the little things that she used to be able to do so easily – like walking across a hardwood floor – and trying her best not to slip and not be scared. Don’t worry Mags, I’ll help you when you need it. You are a very special girl that was given a second chance and we are VERY glad you were given that second chance!
I’m happy to report we made the right decision!
Happy One Year Ampuversary to my AgileCowDog Maggie!!
We started the Ampuversary party early on Sunday! Here she is at one of my favorite places – Deboullie Pond. It is State of Maine owned land with many surrounding ponds and walking trails. From our house, it is 25 miles on dirt roads to get there. While Mags can’t walk far on the trail anymore, she did venture on a bit of it.
Maggie at Deboullie Pond 10-17-1010-17-10 Patiently waiting for my hot dog and hamburger!Patiently “staying” so I can go get my hot dog next!Come on, let’s go for a walk!!
In the past couple of months, Maggie has really shown me how much stronger she is on our walks. And with the now changing weather to crisp, cool air, she is showing me even more how strong she is. She is letting me forget on our walks that she is a Tripawd, she is so strong lately! She really amazes me…even to this day, a year later, in her accomplishments of living on three legs.
Here she is with her tendon chew as a gift for her Ampuversary. I’m sure she’ll be getting lots of goodies as the day goes on today! 🙂 So proud of you, Maggie! Keep on being my AgileCowDog! You ROCK!
Woohoo! I had the most fabulous walk with my pal, Woodie, today! I have to admit, I don’t like many dogs but Woodie – oooo-la-la! Ahem, I reaaaallllllllly like him 😉
Here’s a photo of him chasing me! Oh, do I LOVE a good game of chase and sometimes he gives into this game that I love so much! 🙂
Look at me fly!!!!!!!!! Devil eyes and all three legs a-flyin’!!!
And here’s a more calm photo of me….lookin’ for squirrels….
Where oh where are those squirrels hiding?
And here’s a video clip of me checking out turkey poop!!! Oh wow! Mom is some lucky I didn’t roll in that! Come on’ Woodie, let’sgo find the turkeys!!!
And here’s me blasting out of the woods after trying to find SOMETHING….squirrels, turkeys?!?!?! No luck, so out I come on 3 legs just a flyin’!
And here’s one more exciting clip of me and my bud, Woodie! My Mom didn’t get the first part of our wrestle as she was too slow to turn the camera on! Am I agile or what!?!?! 🙂
So, there was my exciting day yesterday with my man, Woodie! Let’s do it again soon, Woodie, OK? But….I have to admit, I gotta rest up a day or so before I go out again on a walk like that….the downfalls of being a Tripawd…or maybe not, cause my Mom gave me a massage last night! 🙂
My silly Mom thinks I need to ride in a ‘cart’…I told her I do NOT want her to call it a stroller…I am NOT a freakin’ baby, you know! So we call it the Doggyride cart. She seems to think I will enjoy this when we are out either on the bike orwalking – it will allow me to go farther with her on walks and then I can hitch a ride when I get tired(it can be a stroller or hooked to the bike). Well, I plan on NOT getting tired! But whatever. OK, I’ll ride in that thing if I HAVE to! But I’m crammed in it! Why in the world do they make these things so small but yet rate it for 120#??!!! I’m only half that weight! Go figure. My little sister fits in it well at 39#…she can have it as far as I’m concerned! I can go on my own three legs, thank you very much!
Here’s a few video’s and a photo of my first Doggieride ‘cart’ adventures:
Am I really gonna ride in that thing? I’d rather run please!
This is me BIKJORING! Yeah! This is my style!
Do I look thrilled? NOT.
This is a little better….Sunroof open!
So, Mom does some more training with me in it as a “stroller” yesterday in the yard. Pushing me along and me with my head out the top and she was feeding me treats! Well, OK, that’s not too freakin’ bad! Mom the pezz dispenser feeding me as she pushes me along! Hmmm….maybe this will be better than attached to that bike?
What the heck?! I’m NOT a baby!
So, listen up all you Tripawds! I’m forewarning you all! If your pawrents get one of these for you – RUN! Run as fast as you can in the other direction! Protest I say!!!! We are NOT babies and disabled! We can do just like all other quadpawds can! (shhhhh, don’t tell my Mom but yes, a rest in this stupid thing will be nice once in a while but I’m still protesting to her right now!) LOL!!!!
Maggie and I dedicated our walk in memory of her cousin, Sunny, today. Sunny was 11 years old, a Mix of who knows what really. She was about the size of Maggie, the color of a Golden Retriever but short coat like a Lab. She had a head like a Pitbull. She was playful with people and dogs. She was known as the ‘bad dog’ at the family camp when they would come visit but I always liked Sunny. She was a VERY good dog in my eyes. And in Maggie’s eyes too. Maggie and Sunny grew up together but really only saw each other when they would come up to visit 2-3 times a year. Maggie doesn’t really like many dogs but Sunny she really did. Sunny loved to give in to Maggie’s game that she adores…being chased. They would play bow and chase each other and just have a grand time. We always made a point of making sure Maggie saw Sunny when they came up to visit at the family camp. The last visit was in July. When I saw Sunny, she was lame on her right front. I asked Kim(her Mom) how long she’d been lame. They’d taken her to the vet recently before coming up and the vet put her on NSAID’s. The NSAID’s weren’t really doing anything for her, however. It made me sad to see her that way – as she was really trying to “be Sunny”…play with the kids, play with the other dogs. But I could see pain on her face(and obviously the slight limp). I asked Kim if they’d x-rayed her. She said no. I suggested when they get back home to get her x-rayed.
Sunny and Maggie had a great visit. No chasing games though – not with Maggie being a Tripawd now. I just don’t want her to get hurt.
A few days later after they returned home, I got a phone call from Kim. Kim told me that Sunny was x-rayed and the diagnosis was Osteosarcoma. Gulp. More like shit. I knew it. I never said anything to her when they were up for their visit but down deep I just had an inkling it was bone cancer. Why would I think that…I dunno…paranoid about cancer now, I suppose. They opted to not do amputation and to put her on pain medications to try to keep the pain from being too severe until the time in which it came that Sunny needed to go to Rainbow Bridge. I found out yesterday that Sunny was put down on Wednesday.
Kim hasn’t called me. I feel so badly…. Sunny was a “GOOD DOG”…I’d say Maggie’s favorite Cousin. Sunny’s family ADORED Sunny. She was a “good dog” in their eyes too. They thought so much of her – just like a kid.
So, Maggie & I dedicated our walk to Sunny. Chase those frisbees, play with those dogs and kids, Sunny…you were a “GOOD DOG”.
Here’s a photo of Maggie after our walk sporting her Tripawds bandanna. I don’t have a photo of Sunny. I wish I did.