…today would of been Maggie’s 14th birthday…
I still miss you soooo much.
When I walk Haley out where you are buried,
the wind chimes always seem to chime when I walk by,
I stop, say “hi Maggie”, shed a tear and keep walking…
The snow has melted enough around your “three” solar lights,
the sun charged them and even after dark, one was still glowing…
“Hello, Maggie… I love you.”
I finished cleaning the grown up bushes on your winter trail,
sure missed having your help cleaning the trails.
I so wished you had made it to the next milestone I had hoped for,
your 14th birthday.
But it was not meant to be…but I know you’re looking down on me,
I can see you young again, four healthy legs, playing with a stick…
Happy birthday Maggie….thinking of you today and always…

What a wonderful tribute!
Happy 14th Birthday in heaven, Maggie.
Linda and Tucker
Happy Birthday Maggie! I am so grateful she got 13 years with you, Tracy. I know that doesn’t make it any easier. But Maggie was so incredibly lucky to end up in your family. She knew it, too. That’s why she loved you so fiercely and worked so hard to stay.
I’m so glad you came here today and let us celebrate the birth of this precious soul! I’m sure there were a lot of Angels woo hooing on the day she was born…..and I’m sure they were woo hooimg when you returned her back into their arms.
And I’ also sure they were saying “Good girl Maggie! Good job!”…..just like she heard every single day from you!
You two have such anUNBREAKABLE bond…..such a “forever team”
I, along with others, have often referred people to your blogs, not only for inspiration, but for all the valuable information you posted on her journey, especially regarding kidney issues. That Sweet Maggie is still touching lives, that’s for sure!
I LOVE how she is speaking toyou from her special spots, throughnthe wind chimes, her glowing light that remains lit on her “solar light”. Make o mistake, nothing can EVER dim Maggie’s bright light! Her warm loving light of love will surrou d you forever!
Hapoy Birthday sweet Maggie! The world is definitely a better place because you were in it! You touched us all with your love for life, your brilliance as you did all your “Agile Cow Girl Tasks” and your cuteness! You will always be our CHAMPION! And so will your mom!
Love and hugs…lots and lots of love and hugs!
Sally and Happy Hannah
PS…Please continue to post…especial pictures! Love the one with her huge stick and, of course, by your side on “her” trail!
Happy Birthday Maggie in Heaven. I am so glad you think of your mom when she sees the solar lights & the wind chimes chime. We all wish you would have made that next milestone. Tracy this is a beautiful tribute to your Maggie
Michelle & Angel Sassy
Hard to believe she’s even gone. Love ya Mags <3
Thanks for the video Trac :')
Maggie’s definitely still with all of us in spirit and in our hearts. Age is just a number that silly humans put on things to mark time. Since dogs know nothing about “time”, they are ageless. And so is Maggie.
Many, many hugs coming your way.
Happy Birthday Maggie, we love you and celebrate your life on your special day and always!
Oh Sweet Mags, Happy 14th Birthday from all of us here! I’m sure you’ve gathered 14 sticks of different sizes to play with to mark each year, even any time you’ve spent here in spirit. Enjoy the endless agility activities to partake, lakes to swim in and sticks just waiting to be gathered.
Hoppy Birthday dear Maggie!