Actually that is a silly title…I think of you so often, Maggie. I’m sure you are fully aware of how much I do!
Last weekend, Haley and I went for a walk in the field behind the house for the first time this Spring. Thought of you when we got to “our”(yours and mine!) “Thinking Rock”, as I used to call it. You and I would sit up there on that rock and just overlook the lake and our yard down below.

You loved to walk in the fields…mouse hunting was a great thing to do..

Or just taking in the views….

Miss you soooo much, Maggie…it’s the first Spring without you. Got through the first winter but now emotions are all stirred up yet again with a changing season….

Alone but together,
we walk this trail,
To you there is nothing
I could not tell
Walking in silence
engulfed in nature’s song,
We share so much
as we go along.
Kindred spirits,
friends for all time….
You and I,
we’re two of a kind.